Is it me or does it seem as if every time you try to set a goal to be somewhere or do something at a good time, it just never seem to be a good time? Or here's a better one: You setting your alarm for a meeting right? and somehow time starts to gain wings right in the middle of when your life becomes hectic and BOOM- you're late to your meeting.
This has happened to me way too often and at first, I thought it was just bad luck someone had put on me. I couldn't figure out why time always got the best of me. I realized, time and I, were in the boxing ring and I was losing. Finding all of it's weak spots did me no good. Any time I throw a hit, time always found a way to hit me harder. I knew something had to give.
It was when I started to tell my close friends the struggles I had with time. How I will try to get up early, plan things out, write things down and yet by the end of the day- nothing was accomplished. They gave me an insight I've never thought of. Time was laughing at me because Time had a sneaky trick up its sleeves and the name of this trick is called-
All of this time (no pun intended-well maybe a little) I thought I controlled time where time was controlling me with distractions. Immediately, I started to connect the dots on how to defeat being the laughing stock of time by using my own secret weapon: MANAGEMENT.
Now I know what you may be thinking: This blog just got real.... or weird but here me out- it will all makes sense. You see there are 24hours in a day. Time follows no rules until management is in place. Like a staff uneducated on policies until a conference is held or a child not understanding the rights and wrong until a parent guides them. Time needed to be guided and the person that's accountable is YOU.
It was never about me being in the ring with time. I now know you cannot simply fight it but instead- work with it. Time needs management. It need prioritization. It needs to know where to go while living. It needs YOU. Time doesn't exist unless you do, therefore, you are the parent of time and need to nurture it CAREFULLY.
If not, Time will use its trick of distractions and then the cycle of being reactive rather than proactive begins.
Practice Mindfulness daily and when distractions arises, become fluid and learn the art of pivoting. Time will then respect you and fall in line. Remember, you are in charge and you must have the confidence to know so.
Trust me. Every now and then- time will test me. But I always get the last laugh.