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Trauma bondage


An emotional response that is detrimental to the body,mind & spirit.


the state of being bound by or subjected to some external power or control.

Trauma bondage, if not released, becomes triggered when you find yourself connecting with a part of you in someone else. Whether it be friend or lover- you were born to become wholesome in knowing self in order for your purpose to be grounded.

There will always be a reaction to an action- like loving someone. Action: their energy pulled you in. Reaction: you allowed the vibrations to take you.

Trigger- they become a reality of what your childhood was missing or what your childhood was abused in.

Trauma bondage- you see it and do two things: detached or reattach.

Then on to the next lover... or friend.

Here’s what needs to be done:

Know that you cannot SAVE the younger you. That person HAD to experience whatever was given: good and bad. However, moving forward, Know who you are and become the person the younger you needed. Don’t give external power your energy. Everything you’ve learned so far was never about anything or anyone else but YOU. The journey of releasing Trauma bondage starts with self awareness and knowing that you are what YOU need and everything else is a learning lesson to create a higher You.

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