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6/15/19 - 6/19/19

Celebration ended. Body was drained. Tried to party. But partying didn't feel the same. Eyes were tired, head caught a migraine. The floor caught my fall. The ER became my name. The darkness felt good. The light was my pain. Fear tapped me on the shoulder as I called God's name.

Being in here. 4 walls. Beeping sounds. Bland food. Migrain taking its rounds. Extra big room to keep visitors around. Drip. Drop. Into my veins. Feeling the needle lift in my skin. Is it safe? Clock ticking. Time laughs. Gown too big. Orange name tag. Didn't study for this kind of test. First one I failed with an F, for finding a blodclot in my brain. Second test I failed again.. but this time it wasn't the same.



Aneurism they say.

And he risen.

And he risen.

And he risen I sang. 3rd test taken nothing was found. Master degrees looked confused and silence was the only sound. "Come one, Stay for awhile we have good staff and good food". Isn't it funny how the devil knows what to say and do?

So I stood still with no questions asked. Wondering, what else can I go through when pain was there, becoming my mask. I sat and smiled and made jokes for laughs. I reflect on life and how much I Survived my past.

4th test taken.

Now they say it's a big mass. Maybe tumor..Oh! the devil has another plan worse than the last. Hours flew by with voices of: "I'll be your nurse today, I'll be your nutritionist today, I'll be your Physical therapist today, I'll be the bill waiting for you at the end of the day". And still I smiled because I know who got my back. God never let me down and even the devil knows that. A friend sparked an idea so I questioned my stay. The staff look at the charts and oddly she said " this last test you past nothing was found once again, sorry to hold you but you can leave now my friend". I jumped up quick and got ready to leave. As I was brushing my teeth, I looked at the hospital bed and saw my testimony. He tried to take my body in 2010. By breaking my spine and going through surgery that was life threatening. And then he tried to take my mind with aneurism and God said he never would had won because I been defeated him.

see he tried to take my body and mind within many years of my life, but my soul he can NEVER have because that was given to GOD- see the devil is all bark with NO bite. See my life isn’t about me at all- it’s about showing the world what it means to stand strong after a big fall.

Eye Survived many death not because it just wasn’t my day but because no matter what happens, GOD always have the last say.


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