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Self Reflection

Have you ever wondered why a mirror was ever created? It is more than seeing the person who looks through it. Or seeing an object near or far from you. No- it’s deeper than that actually.

Mirrors were invented 200 maybe more years ago. Even more than that if you count pools of water.

It became trending in Germany and the US- but not everyone cared to see the face they knew nothing about reflecting back at them.

Mirrors became fascinating not because of what it does but what power it held.

The first man-made mirrors were typically made of polished stone such as black volcanic glass obsidian and if you know anything about black Obsidian- it shields us from negativity & stimulates the gift of prophesy.

Let this message sink in.

This is why when people look in the mirror they immediately feel its power.

Go ahead- try it.

Look in the mirror- stare into your eyes for a moment then slowly take in your face features- every line and mark. Lastly, look outward- hair, the shape of your face, your body and process what you feel. Is it not a pull of energy? When you cry or get mad and watch your tears stream down your face- does looking at yourself in the mirror make you feel something?

I know it does.

That’s the energy mirrors hold in. It reflects what you give out. Are we not mirrors then? Walking around each other showing ourselves in conversations and relationships to one another of what the other person is feeling . We are each other’s reflection. So here’s a challenge: the next time you’re out, look at the people that gravitated to you- Each person is a reflection or a part of you that you will soon meet and learn from. Let that sink in and understand the

transformation that’s about to happen.

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