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Prego Mommies: This is For You!

Story time: for all my prego mommies Read with an open ❤️ heart:

Insecurities can set in during pregnancy for numerous of reasons:

1. Gaining weight

2. limited mobility

3. Emotional Imbalance

4. Sex drive decreasing

5. Not enough support

And the list goes on.

And No- you are NOT alone in this.

What I’ve learned in this pregnancy:

1. That weight gain sis is more for the baby and a huge plus because you have become a warm home that’s keeping your baby safe so know that you are BEAUTIFUL no matter what!

2. I too felt less confident in having the inability to move as efficient as I want to. As a dancer and a fitness leader, this third time around, Kai got me moving hella slow to the point I feel sad when I can’t dance as much as I want or exercise as much as I want but hear this sis: YOU ARE LITERALLY CARRYING ANOTHER HUMAN- not everyone can do that for one and two- Take this time to use people around you to help as much as possible- remember your baby just wants you so sit down, get plenty of rest and breathe boo- you’re doing amazing 🌻

3. Mannnn talk about Emotional Rollercoaster. The hormones are there to help the baby and yes it is ALOT😩 but without your emotional craze, your baby may be in danger so be more kind to YOURSELF ❤️ take baths, massages, deep breathing, mindfulness yoga and more. Self care is the BEST care.

4. Sex drive decreasing is WILD ok?! Now this is TMI but hunnnny My sex drive is 1000000% ummkay - until I hit 6months then plain jane took over and left me like:


I started researching vids and articles on intimacy. I told Lauren Wright about learning more about intimacy without sexual contact as well as being honest and communicating everything that feels good to everything that doesn’t feel good. Surprisingly Girl it boosted my drive! It took a couple of times to be patient, kind and slow learning to digest what’s happening to my body but now I have No issues!! (Besides positioning and getting the momentum lol) but seriously, shit happens ok? You are NOT useless. When your body change things outside of you can fit to YOUR change- not the other way around. Have a supportive partner or friend to be there on this journey 🥰 Ohhh and you see the pic of me dancing and my partner looks like she about to take me down? Lol don’t forget to HAVE FUN. So what I look and felt like a WHALE🙄 lol- my partner held me like I was the most perfect thing on Earth and it kept my confidence high hunny. So yeah- don’t forget to have fun😍

5. Support Support Support!! Is soooo important 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

I have my SOUL TRIBE, my SISTERHOOD group, MY PARTNER AND DAUGHTER & my HOD family. If you find yourself with no support yet you have friends.. FIND YOURSELF NEW FRIENDS. Or a New Partner 🙃 (I’m just saying) other than that hit ME up and we can talk and support each other🌻

In conclusion boo- KNOW THAT YOU ARE AMAZING, GIFTED, BEAUTIFUL, BRAVE, DESERVING OF GREATNESS & LOVE & lastly worth being chose to be a Magical Mom❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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