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Late Night Thoughts

TV is On.... yet you’re not watching it. It’s watching you. Anxiety fills the room and the walls become your audience.


Waiting to see what will you do next?

You drink plenty of water, walk to the kitchen to introduce yourself to your fridge over and over again, yet never finding the satisfaction of seeing the empty shelves hoping it will stop looking like your reflection.

So back to the room you go. On to the bed and there goes your friend: Phone.

at least it responds back with likes, comments and notifications to keep you distracted from the reality of Anxiety.

An enemy that knows no meaning of Space.


On your phone screen, staring into your face.

You find yourself swiping quickly, losing time to gain control yet Anxiety never fades away- it instead laughs at the time you’ve wasted.


Then jumps inside your fingers, dancing on your veins, making its way to your legs and it triggers- a shake. Lightly at first. Then plays hide and seek. Making you count to 10 before it repeats.


Such a creep. Jumps back out of you right before you sleep and for once... you’re about to gain some peace.. you close your eyes and breathe.. deeply.

Until you drift off to dream about the clouds that feels like cotton-


Seeps back in like a rotten apple with no air conditioning. Sucking you dry- Gasping for life. You awake in the mid of the night and you realize..

Anxiety- Starts to Rule Your life.

So what do you do?

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